Friday, July 27, 2012

17 Weeks and Dr. Appt

Today was my 3rd doctor's appointment and it went really well.  I met with Kathy, another midwife.  We went over how I was feeling and I told her about my bathroom issues.  She recommended eating 5 prunes/day and maybe trying Metamucil.  Hopefully it gets better.  She also said my thyroid lab results came back at 2.03 which is great.  They want to see it under 3.0 which I was so I won't have to take thyroid medicine.  I was so glad to hear that.  She put the doppler on my stomach and we heard the heartbeat almost immediately.  It was 145bpm.  A little lower than it has been the previous two visits.  My next appointment is August 10th and it is our anatomy scan.  We get to see baby for 20-30 minutes on the big screen!

How far along: 17 weeks

Weight gain/loss: Doctor's scale: 4lbs, mine says 6-7lbs.  So not ready to see the scale go up again.  It's silly I know, baby does need to grow.

Maternity clothes: Not yet, but I started wearing the Bella Band with my work pants this week.  I can still zip and button them, but the buttons start to get uncomfortable as the day goes on.  So the Bella Band helps.
Stretch marks: Using the cocoa butter

Symptoms: Sneezing and stuffy nose on and off throughout the day, waking up to pee 2-3x a night (doesn't help that I drink more water when I get up), constipation is more noticeable this time around.  Nothing too uncomfortable which I hope continues.

Sleep:  Pretty good.  Some nights better than others but overall I'm trying to go to bed earlier and get more rest.

Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat and feeling baby kick while I was rocking Joey last night at bedtime.  

Gender: My initial feeling is girl but sometimes I think boy

Belly button in or out: Too early

Food cravings:  Sweets which is not really like me.  But I don't have to have them which is good.  I LOVE fruit which was the same with Joey.  Fruit is my favorite pregnant or not.

Movement: Felt a few kicks/jabs while I was rocking Joey to sleep last night.  It was a sweet feeling :)

What I miss: Alcohol!  We went out to dinner with my parents, grandparents and our Cali family to Maggiano's and the girls ordered Pomegranate Martinis.  They looked so good!!  I normally am not a big drinker and haven't had a full alcoholic drink since before I got pregnant with Joey.  I was very cautious while I was nursing and just didn't have the urge to drink.  It makes me relaxed and tired and I never needed help going to sleep and nursing relaxed me.  So now that I'm pregnant again, I won't be having any alcohol for a while!  I'm going to be the biggest lightweight when I do.

What I'm looking forward to: Anatomy scan is on 8/10.  Looking forward to that!

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