Wednesday, July 18, 2012

16 Weeks

How far along: 16 weeks

Weight gain/loss: About 5lbs now.  Definitely getting more of a bump now.  Baby is growing!!

Maternity clothes: No but I think I'm going to need the Bella Band soon for my work pants. I can still zip and button them but they aren't as comfortable.
Stretch marks: Cocoa butter!

Symptoms: Continuing to have a stuffy nose, sneezing and have to blow my nose all the time, some cramping/stretching of my lower stomach, constipation seems worse which is not fun!  I also think my hair is a lot drier than usual.  

Sleep:  Not too bad, I am able to stay up later at night but that sometimes back fires when I have to be up at 545am to get ready for work.

Best moment this week: Pretty sure I felt a couple jabs on Monday.  Not strong enough to see but almost like popcorn popping in my stomach.

Gender: Feeling girl but not sure why.

Belly button in or out: Too early

Food cravings:  No cravings.  Still eating my fruit, oatmeal and salads.  Meat is still not so appealing and I haven't made it yet.

Movement: A couple little jabs here and there when I pay attention.

What I miss: My normal body.  I know things are changing and I have time to get back in shape after baby, but it's this in between not being pregnant and having a real bump that I don't like.

What I'm looking forward to: Next appointment is on 7/27.  Get to hear the heartbeat!

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