Friday, June 29, 2012

2nd Doctor's Appointment

I had my 13 week check up on June 28th with a different midwife, Tanya.  I remember meeting with her one other time and I believe it was for my yearly visit after I had Joey.  She's very nice and easy to talk to.  She asked how I was doing and then mentioned that my thyroid levels came back high in my blood work.  Apparently they want to see the level at 2 or 3 and mine was 3.18.  This means by thyroid is underactive and not producing enough thyroid hormone.  Normally, they wouldn't make a big deal about it however since I'm pregnant and your thyroid is something like 33% more active, it's a bigger deal.  If I wasn't pregnant they would like the see the level below 5 or something like that.  
So anyways, they decided to re-do the blood work for that test and will let me know the results.  If it comes back out of range again, they want to have me start taking synthetic thyroid hormone to bring it back to 'normal'.  There are no side effects or issues with taking the hormone while pregnant which is reassuring.  This condition can be triggered by pregnancy as well.  And since thyroid issues run in my mom's family, it doesn't surprise me.  Hopefully it comes back fine but at least I know if I have to take meds, it will be okay.  And it may explain why I have felt very tired and fatigued.  We will see.
She also told me I haven't had any weight gain and it's okay but she would like to see a slight gain at least by my next monthly appointment.  My scale shows a 2lb gain so I'm not going to make a big deal about it.  I eat when I'm hungry and tend to want healthier things like salad or fruit.
It was time for the best part of the appointment, listening to baby's heartbeat on the doppler.  She said my uterus was measuring where it should be by now and baby was on the move because she had a hard time getting a clear sound of the heartbeat.  You could hear it faintly but not like with Joey where they would literally put the doppler on my stomach and you'd hear a loud whoosh whoosh almost immediately.  The heartbeat was 160bpm.  A little higher than what Joey's was at this time.  But not by much.  It's still the most amazing sound especially because I don't feel movement or really have a baby belly.  Reminds me that there is a little person growing in there.  My next appointment is July 27th and I scheduled my anatomy scan for August 10th.  It seems so far away but it's going to be here before we know it.

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