Saturday, April 21, 2012

Unexpected Surprise!

Where oh where do I begin.......

Well, today (4/21) we officially found out that we are expecting Baby Lozen #2.  I am having some extremely mixed feelings.  I hate to say that because every baby is a blessing and a miracle.  However, I am scared, nervous, overwhelmed and somewhat sad.  Here's the background story.

I had started charting again to see if my body was ovulating and how my cycles were panning out.  I got my period back when Joey was around 6 or 7 months I believe.  I know that breastfeeding is NOT a form of birth control and we took the necessary precautions as I didn't want to go back on the pill until I was done nursing Joey, if at all.  So I was keeping track of my periods and all that jazz.  Well it turns out I was off by one week and the necessary precautions were not taken because I was SURE we were safe.  If I hadn't been a week off in my mental notes, we would have been safe and actually I ovulated several days after not taking the necessary precautions.  I noticed I was feeling a little off and going through the calendar while I was making Joey's 15 month doctor's appointment and felt my stomach drop when I was looking at the dates.  I feel awful saying this but I prayed it was all in my head and that we weren't ready for this yet.  Well apparently God has other plans and feels we are ready for this and we will be ready when he or she arrives.
The last two days I have noticed a lot of cramping/pressure/stretching in my lower abdomen and am breathless very easily.  Same as when I was in the early weeks with Joey.  I knew I was pregnant or something was very wrong.  I took a test today just to see and of course two pink lines showed up.  I'm not going to lie, I cried.  And I cried when Steve got home and I told him.  It's not that I don't want Joey to have a sibling and it's not that I don't love being a mom.  We just weren't planning for this to happen so soon.  But here we are on this amazing journey once again!
According to what I can find online, my due date will be somewhere between 12/25 and 12/31.  I really am not sure as my cycles are a little longer than average and most calculations are based on 28 day cycles.  I won't have our first doctor's appointment until 8-10 weeks so we have some time.  I believe I'm about 4w 4days approximately.  Very early still!  We haven't told the family and I think we will wait a couple weeks at least.  As long as I don't feel too bad and can hide it.
I am still nursing Joey and hopefully will be able to wean him in the next month.  I love the time with him but I need my energy and since my supply has dropped a ton in the last month or so, he's not really getting much anymore.  Hopefully it's a relatively smooth process!

How far along: Not sure yet since my cycles are kind of wacky.  I'm guessing around 4.5 weeks.  *Edit: I have been looking at due date calculators online and it looks like I'm 4 weeks as of today (4/23) since my cycles are longer and I ovulated later than the usual day 14.  And due date is approximately 12/31/12.

Weight gain/loss: About 118lbs.  Some days 120lbs.

Maternity clothes: Nope

Stretch marks: No and hoping the religious application of cocoa butter will keep them away again!

Symptoms: Tenderness in left boob (while nursing Joey), light to moderate cramping and pressure/stretching in lower abdomen, feeling out of breath if talking a lot or just doing daily tasks with Joey, not very hungry, having to pee more often.

Sleep:  I noticed I have to pee at night and I wake up a couple times as well as change sides often.  Might just be the nerves of having another baby.

Best moment this week: Knowing we will be giving Joey a sibling.....although sooner than we thought!

Food cravings: Nothing stands out.

Gender: Too early, but my first thought was girl.

Belly button in or out: Too early

Movement: Too early

What I miss: In shock still and now that I have Joey, it's hard to say I miss anything.  I love being his mom!  I do miss sleeping in though.

What I'm looking forward to: Absorbing this news and finding a way to stay relaxed and calm during this pregnancy.

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